6. July 2022 By Abderrahmane Elakhiri
Welcome at adesso – Insights from an adesso newbie
We want our adessi to feel at home with us from day one. Therefore, a Welcome Day for all newbies takes place every three months. We spoke to Abderrahmane Elakhiri about his experience.
Abderrahmane, how did you experience your first weeks at adesso?
I had a great start and felt very welcome! I really enjoyed working most of the time in the office and meet people, because in my former job I spent quite some time working only remote. In this first period, I was introduced to the different adesso services including the personal development and career path, which is really a great benefit. I also got to meet my line managers and several other colleagues. They introduced me to my area of responsibility and answered my questions very open and courteous.
Can you give some more insights about the adesso Welcome Day? What was your highlight?
The welcome day was really fun! I got to know very interesting facts about adesso. And of course it’s a great way to meet some other newbies. But the highlight of this day was definitively meeting all Leaders of the Lines of Business and the CEO and having the opportunity to get to know them in person during lunch and apéro. I’ts a great gesture that the whole management team takes their time to meet all the newbies and exchange their ideas with them.
You are now officially an “adessi” – what about that excites you the most?
I am mainly excited about two things: First, the diversity of work in adesso. I am proud to be part of a company facilitating the IT activities of other companies offering very popular and important services. Second, I’m grateful that I could participate at the annual eduCamp where we traveled for several days to a wonderful place in Sardinia. There I got to meet many other adessi and took part in one of the 14 professional trainings that were offered, the one about SAFe.
#growtogether #greatplacetowork
What happens at the adesso Welcome Day?
It’s a whole day dedicated to all new adessi of adesso Schweiz AG. After a personal welcome from our CEO Hansjörg we provide our new adessi with everything they need to know about the company – and each other. Between all the formal information is enough time for a playful get together and apéro. The Welcome Day is held every three months. It’s a great occasion to bring all the newbies from all different locations together.

P.S. Can you spot Abderrahmane in the picture? :)