
Software development is always a process of discovery.Stay flexible.

Your users are placing greater demands on the availability and flexibility of IT. Your business processes and models are changing more quickly than ever. And IT has to keep up. Solutions have to be developed and made available quickly − often without even knowing all of the functions the software should include. Nevertheless, you have to create budgets and set deadlines. The New School of IT shows you how to successfully balance agility and planning.

Flexibly respond to requirements

The following applies equally to start-ups and global corporations, to service providers and industrial enterprises: With the right organisational measures, an agile approach − which comprises the rapid development of operational software, regular small releases and team self-management − can give a big boost to your development work.

The main benefit of this approach as compared to traditional methods is that projects organised with an eye to agility can react flexibly to changes in the demands placed on the new software.

However, pure agility in the corporate world is hardly feasible in practice, which means that it is necessary to plan flexibility, too. This is why the notion of tamed agility was created for the New School of IT. This concept allows users to benefit from agility without having to risk potential drawbacks.

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