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Digital Experience

In an increasingly digitalised world, no one should be excluded. Accessible design systems offer companies the opportunity to design digital products to be accessible from the outset. They not only create an inclusive user experience, but also reduce development costs in the long term and ensure compliance with legal requirements. In my blog post, I show how accessible design systems work, what advantages they offer and why they are the key to an inclusive digital future.

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Digital Experience

Influencer marketing has evolved from mere product placement to a platform for thought leadership. In my blog post, I describe how influencers use their expertise and credibility to build not only reach but also deep trust – especially in the B2B sector. Learn how thought leaders act as authentic and valuable voices in niche markets and help companies position themselves as industry leaders.

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Digital Experience

Digitalisation has transformed the insurance industry, and companies need to develop a true omnichannel strategy to remain competitive. And that is what we will discuss today in part two of our five-part series for insurance providers. This blog post will explain the key foundations for success that keep customers happy and insurance providers competitive.

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Digital Experience

How can insurance companies stay competitive and grow their business in the digital world? One way to do this is by providing an unbeatable customer experience. In this five-part blog series, we will show you how insurance providers are extracting the greatest opportunities from the customer experience and achieving real success.

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Digital Experience

What does SAP Customer Experience have to do with a triathlon? Like a relay triathlon, different disciplines and athletes come together to create an experience as one: SAP Commerce Cloud, Sales & Service Cloud and Emarsys work together in the SAP CX portfolio to create a seamless customer experience. I will show you how this works in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

The fact that the digital transformation has found its way into B2B sales is nothing new. There are more and more articles being published about the ‘Amazonisation of B2B’. This goes hand in hand with the need for sales organisations not only to (re)align their own processes to their customers’ needs, but also to always be on the proverbial ball as to how these are developing. This blog post will cover the developments in 2023 and what they will mean for sales and for you as sales (management) staff.

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Digital Experience

Many service organisations use field service management solutions in their after-sales service. In my blog posts, I will explain what the status quo looks like in terms of field service management and exactly where the journey is heading.

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Digital Experience

There is probably not a marketer out there who has not had to deal with content and commerce – or as it is often referred to, content-driven commerce. Omnichannel commerce is understood to mean being present on every channel – but wait: how is this different to unified commerce? Do you still know what all the different terms mean in the world of digital commerce? I would like to use this blog post to break down the different types of commerce...

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Digital Experience

21.06.2022 By René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce – the future of commerce

Picture René El Fatuaki

Unified commerce combines e-commerce, order management, customer relationship management, point of sale and much more on one platform. Due to the broad scope of the topic, my blog post will primarily focus on the central role played by the customer data platform and explain how order management can be optimised through unified commerce.

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