adesso Blog


With advances in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, object tracking algorithms such as Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) and Single Object Tracking (SOT) are becoming increasingly intelligent and enable more accurate and faster object tracking. In this blog post, I show how MOT and SOT perform in different situations and present the results of an experiment that sheds light on the ideal application of object tracking.

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Interactive formats are an effective alternative to conventional conferences as they encourage dialogue between participants. Large group facilitation is a socio-psychological method for communicating and making decisions effectively in large groups. This blog post presents common methods of large group facilitation and explains how they can be used successfully.

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Hydrogen has the potential to play a key role in the European energy transition. In addition to technological advances in the field of hydrogen production, storage and application, digitalisation also plays a decisive role in the development of this industry. This blog post explains the digitalisation potential and fields of application behind this in more detail.

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NIS 2 can seem like an invincible giant in many ways to an organisation that must be compliant by 18/10/2024 and has not been regulated until now. Of course, the world of cyber threats continues to turn in parallel with the urgent implementation of the directive, and even seems to be heading inexorably towards us, and unfortunately, thanks to GenAI, ever faster. Microsoft offers a wide range of products that address the NIS 2 Principles. In this blog post, I explain what these are, what advantages they offer and what specifically needs to be done.

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Customer identity and access management is used to control a user's digital access and manage their data. As a rule, the main focus here is on regulatory aspects. In my blog post, I would like to show you that it is also worthwhile for insurance companies to deal with this topic in terms of the user experience.

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22.04.2024 By Jonas Vöhringer

GenAI goes Energy

Picture Jonas Vöhringer

Künstliche Intelligenz ist unaufhaltsam auf dem Vormarsch. Mit der Generativen Künstlichen Intelligenz (kurz GenAI) hat das Thema eine neue Dimension erreicht, die tiefgreifende Veränderungen mit sich bringt - auch in der Energiewirtschaft. Über welche Marktrollen sich die Anwendungsfelder erstrecken und wie der Einstieg gelingt, zeige ich in diesem Blog-Beitrag.

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Every day, employees struggle with manual reporting processes that cause high personnel costs, limited opportunities for process optimisation and quality deficiencies. Despite the crucial importance of KPIs for management, manual reporting processes are widespread in production. In this blog post, I explain why companies in the IIoT sector are starting with production reporting.

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At a time when companies are increasingly focussing on sustainability and environmental protection, the question arises as to how our customers can use technology to achieve their sustainability goals. With the Microsoft Sustainability Manager, Microsoft offers an answer to precisely this question. In my blog post, I show you what functions the Microsoft Sustainability Manager has and what advantages it offers.

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Inside adesso

In our blog post, we present an exciting further training opportunity: the Master of Project Management. A tailor-made training programme for project managers that we at adesso successfully completed last year. Find out more about the project management methods and techniques that were taught to provide participants with a comprehensive toolbox for successfully navigating the complex world of IT projects.

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